Upper School
Our upper school currently offers 6th, 8th and 10th grade classes that combines the most comprehensive and rigorous academics with an Islamic curriculum and environment to provide opportunities for your child to develop intellectually and spiritually.
Core Academic Curriculum
Math: Singapore Math
The Singapore math method is focused on mastery, which is achieved through intentional sequencing of concepts.
Some of the key features of the approach include the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) progression, number bonds, bar modeling, and mental math.
Instead of pushing through rote memorization, students learn to think mathematically and rely on the depth of knowledge gained in previous lessons.
Delta Education Full Option Science System (FOSS)
FOSS Next Generation puts the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into practice by integrating all three dimensions: the Disciplinary Core Ideas, the Science and Engineering Practices, and the Crosscutting Concepts, all within classroom-proven tools and strategies to engage students and teachers in enduring experiences that lead to deeper understanding of the natural and designed world.
English Language Arts
Al-Kisa/Rise Academy
Developed by an experienced team of Muslim educators with the goal of curating literature and instructional materials that are true to Islamic principles and values and exceed the national curriculum learning standards for reading, writing, and all of the dimensions of the language arts.
Social Studies
TCI’s social studies curriculum offers interactive, supportive learning environments. With a focus on student-led learning and immersive activities, it aligns to the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies, and helps prepare students to be engaged and thoughtful citizens as they explore social studies using the Inquiry Arc.
Islamic Studies and Quran
The Islamic dimension encompasses every other aspect of our program, not only with rigorous instruction in valuable Islamic content and knowledge, but a wholesome and inspiring moral and ethical environment. Under the guidance of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Saadi and utilizing the best available Islamic curriculum and materials, our students will study Islamic beliefs, ethics, jurisprudence, the lives of the Prophet and his Pure Household (as), history, the Qur’an, Mafaheem, observance of important Islamic occasions, and regular congregational prayer.
Faculty and Staff
Our middle school faculty and staff are qualified, experienced educators who are passionate about helping young believers prepare for college, career and life.
The Director of our Upper School is Br. Aaron Sultan
Br. Jonathan Ali, who will also be teaching middle school English, social studies and electives, has over a decade of experience in teaching and administration at both public and private schools.
Sheikh Mohammed Al-Saadi, our Dean of Mission and Upper School Islamic studies teacher, studied in the Islamic Seminary of Najaf and has been serving communities in the U.S. for several years, specializing in working with the youth.
Sr. Fadia Ali, our middle school Quran teacher, has many years of experience teaching students to recite the Quran, both at Wisdom Academy and in other educational settings.
Sr. Batool Kamar is our Upper School Math teacher and this is her first year teaching at Wisdom Academy.
Sr. Malak Charara is our middle school science teacher with over 10 years of experience in the education field.
Sr. Kaneez Merchant is our Middle School Art teacher.
In addition to the faculty mentioned above, we will have a team of qualified teachers to instruct our students in elective courses such as physical fitness, study and life skills, marketing, leadership, technology and computer skills.
Extracurricular programs
Real-world skills development
Student-initiated research and projects
Engagement with local civic, business, religious, and academic communities
Physical fitness and recreation
Fine arts